Friday, April 2, 2010

30 000 times the words have been heard...

Last year, in response to a request from ASPECT (Autism Spectrum Australia), I wrote the words to a song.

I sent them to my wonder twin, composer Fiona Johnson, and she worked her magic.

We knew we had something very beautiful and (like most aesthetically pleasing things) powerful on our hands.

With the song in demo form, we approached Thanh Bui, who had been a finalist on Australian Idol in 2008. To be honest, I thought he seemed like a really nice guy (he is) and that his voice was just beautiful (I still agree with myself). I also saw how he carried his uniqueness proudly as he went through the Idol  machine. And he held his nerve, with a gentleness, but also with steely determination. We were very fortunate that Thanh agreed to record the song.

Next step, some financial assistance. This came from Thomas and Friends (soulmates of a huge proportion of autistic kids) and their parent company HIT Entertainment, through the incredible team at Haven Licensing.

Today, the day after World Autism Awareness Day, Through My Eyes will pass 30 000 hits on YouTube.

That's almost 30 000 times people have heard the words that I wrote for Billy.

I can't see the world in the same way you do, bud, but I can try to understand how it feels. More than that, if I can pull together any skills I have got to help other people try to understand as well... then I will. You have my guarantee.

Thank you to everyone involved. Thank you to everyone who has supported the song. Thank you to all the autistic people who truly live their lives with twice the grit I could ever muster.

Go on... you know you want to click it...

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